- Blom-Hansen, Jens, Anne Skorkjær Binderkrantz, Martin Bækgaard, Daniel Finke, Roman Senninger and Søren Serritzlew (forthcoming) Policy preparation inside the European Commission, Oxford University Press.
Journal Articles
Bischof, Daniel and Roman Senninger (forthcoming) Can Simple Language Affect Voters’ Political Knowledge and Their Beliefs About Politicians?, Journal of Politics. [Preprint]
Senninger, Roman, Martin Bækgaard and Henrik Seeberg (forthcoming) Unsuccessful candidates are more concerned about electoral fairness than election winners, Journal of Politics. [Preprint]
Senninger, Roman and Henrik Seeberg (2024) Which Information Do Politicians Pay Attention To? Evidence from a Field Experiment and Interviews, British Journal of Political Science, Vol 54, Issue 4, 1115-1132. [Preprint]
Senninger, Roman (2023) What Makes Policy Complex?, Political Science Research and Methods, Vol 11, Issue 4, 913-920. [Preprint]
Senninger, Roman and Daniel Bischof (2023) Do Voters Want Domestic Politicians to Scrutinize the European Union?, Political Science Research and Methods, Vol 11, Issue 2, 410-418. [Preprint]
Senninger, Roman, Daniel Bischof and Lawrence Ezrow (2022) How Transnational Party Alliances Influence National Parties’ Policies, Political Science Research and Methods, Vol 10, Issue 3, 651-658. [Preprint]
Senninger, Roman and Jens Blom-Hansen (2021) Meet the Critics: Analyzing the EU Commission’s Regulatory Scrutiny Board through Quantitative Text Analysis, Regulation & Governance, Vol 15, Issue 4, 1436-1453.
Jens Blom-Hansen and Roman Senninger (2021) The Commission in EU Policy Preparation, Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 59, Issue 3, 625-642. [Preprint]
Senninger, Roman, Daniel Finke and Jens Blom-Hansen (2021) Coordination Inside Government Administrations: Lessons from the EU Commission, Governance, Volume 34, Issue 3, 707-726.
Binderkrantz, Anne, Jens Blom-Hansen and Roman Senninger (2021) Countering Bias? The EU Commission’s Consultation with Interest Groups, Journal of European Public Policy, Volume 28, Issue 4, 469-488.
Wolkenstein, Fabio, Roman Senninger and Daniel Bischof (2020) Party Policy Diffusion in the European Multilevel Space: What it is, How it Works, and Why it Matters, Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties, Volume 30, Issue 3, 339-357.
Senninger, Roman (2020) Institutional Change in Parliament through Cross-Border Partisan Emulation, West European Politics, Volume 43, Issue 1, 203-224.
Senninger, Roman and Daniel Bischof (2018) Working in Unison - Political Parties and Policy Issue Transfer in the Multi-Level Space, European Union Politics, Volume 19, Issue 1, 140-162.
Bischof, Daniel and Roman Senninger (2018) Simple Politics for the People? Complexity in Campaign Messages and Political Knowledge, European Journal of Political Research, Volume 57, Issue 2, 473-495.
Senninger, Roman (2017) Issue Expansion and Selective Scrutiny: How Opposition Parties Used Parliamentary Questions about the European Union in the National Arena from 1973 to 2013, European Union Politics, Volume 18, Issue 2, 238-306.
Senninger, Roman and Markus Wagner (2015) Political Parties and the EU in National Election Campaigns: Who Talks About Europe, and How?, Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 53, Issue 6, 1336-1351.
Book Chapters & Special Issues
Le Corre Juratic, Morgan and Roman Senninger (forthcoming) Taking stock: The 2024 European election in Denmark, Politique européenne.
Blom-Hansen Jens, Daniel Finke and Roman Senninger (2024) Coordination in the European Commission, The Handbook of European Union Public Administration, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham
Senninger, Roman (2023) Diffusion, Offentlig Politik, Hans Reitzels Forlag: København.
Senninger, Roman (2023) When the spider leaves its web: An empirical analysis of the state of the European Union address by the President of the European Commission, I Statskundskabens Tjeneste: Festskrift til Jens Blom-Hansen, Politica: Aarhus.
Blom-Hansen, Jens, Roman Senninger and Anne Binderkrantz (2020) European Commission, The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs, Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke.
- Senninger, Roman (2021) Reply to ‘How the EU vaccine troubles could have partially been prevented ten years ago’, The Lancet Regional Health - Europe 4.
Book Reviews
- Senninger, Roman (2021) Anmeldelse af ‘Det nationale råderum ved gennemførelse af EU-regler’, Politica, 53(3), 330–332.